Chapainawabganj is a district of Bangladesh. Chapainawabganj is a part of the Rajshahi Division. Chapai nawabganj district is famous for Mango Garden. Chapainawabganj district is bounded by Naogaon, West Bengal(WB state) of India and Rajshahi district. Chapai Nawabganj district consists of 5 Upazilas (Chapainawabganj Sadar Upazila, Nachole Upazila, Shibganj Upazila, Gomastapur Upazila, Bholahat Upazila), 4 Municipalities (Pourashava), 45 Union Parishad and 1136 Village.
List of upazilas in Chapai Nawabganj district(চাঁপাই নবাবগঞ্জ জেলার উপজেলা সমূহঃ)
Chapai Nawabganj Sadar Upazila (চাঁপাই নবাবগঞ্জ সদর উপজেলা)
Nachole Upazila (নাচোল উপজেলা)
Shibganj Upazila (শিবগঞ্জ উপজেলা)
Gomastapur Upazila (গোমস্তাপুর উপজেলা)
Bholahat Upazila (ভোলাহাট উপজেলা)
Some useful information of Chapainawabganj District:
District: Chapainawabganj
Chapainawabganj district Established in:
Division: Rajshahi division
Area : Sq. Km.
Total Cultivable Land : 1,33,058 Hectors
Population : (Approximately)
Density: 960 per Sq. Km.
Number of voters: 9,18,184 (Approximately)
Number of Village:
Number of Union Parishad: (Union Parishad details of Chapainawabganj district: )
Literacy rate: % University:
Textile Institute: Govt. Textile Vocational Institute, Chapai Nawabganj
Police Training Center:
Medical College:
Medical Assistant Training School: College: 52 Govt. College: 3 (Chapai Nawabganj Govt. College; Govt. Chapai Nawabganj Women?s College; Govt. Adina Fazlul Haque College, Chapai Nawabganj)
Non-government college: 48 (Chapai Nawabganj City College; Shibganj Degree College, Chapai Nawabganj; Gomastapur Soleman Mia Degree College, Chapai Nawabganj; Nachole College, Chapai Nawabganj; Nachole Women?s College, Chapai Nawabganj; Bholahat College, Chapai Nawabganj)
Textile Engineering College:
Homoeopathic College:
Technical School and College: 1 (Chapai Nawabganj Govt. Technical School And College)
High School:
Govt. High School: 4 (Harimohan Govt. High School, Chapai Nawabganj; Chapai Nawabganj Govt. Girls High School)
Non-govt. High School: 208
Junior High School: 27
Primary Schools:
Government Primary Schools: 370
Registered Primary Schools: 312
Polytechnic Institute:
Vocational Institute:
PTI: Bank : Municipality(Pourashava) in Chapainawabganj District: 4 : Chapainawabganj Pourashava (Chapainawabganj Municipality); Rohanpur Pourashava (Rohanpur Municipality); Nachole Pourashava (Nachole Municipality); Shibganj Pourashava (Shibganj Municipality)
Web Portal: Chapainawabganj District
General Hospital (100 bed): 1
Upazila Health Complex: 4
Union Health and Family Kallayan Center: 20
Community Clinic: 108
Private Hospital/Clinic: 24
TB Clinic:
Police Hospital:
Upazila Land Office:
Union Land Office: 45 Municipality Land Office:
Rail Station:
Major Crops: Paddy(Rice), Jute(The golden fibre of Bangladesh), Onion, potato, wheat, Green Chilli(moris), sugarcane, Garlic and various types of pulses etc.
Major Fruits: Mango(Aam), Jackfruit(Kathal), Banana, guava, papaya(Pepe), Coconut(Narkel), Litchi(Lichu), Lemon(Lebu), Watermelon(Tormuj), bel, date, tetul etc.
Cinema Hall :
Major Rivers:
Diabetic Hospital:
BGB Camp: 1
Spinning Mill:
Public Library:
Hat / Bazar : 89 Newspaper: Dainik Nawab, Nawabganj Barta, Bir Barta and National daily newspaper like The Daily Ittefaq, the daily Prothom alo, Daily Jugantor etc.
Non-government Organization (NGO) : Asha, Brac, Proshika, DASCO, nijera kari, Care, Proyash, BIKE, BIDOS etc.
Mosque (Mosjid) : 1135
Temple (Mandir) : 50
Cyclone Center : 4
Homoeopathic College:
Major Rivers: Padma river, Mahananda river, Pagla river, Punarbhaba river etc.
Ideal Village: 14
Tourist Place in Chapainawabganj: Choto Sona Mosque, Mango Garden, Bir Sreshtho Shaheed Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir graveyard; Mango Research Center etc.
Numbers of constituency: 3 (Brig. General Muhammad Enamul Huq (Retd.), Honorable Member of Parliament(MP), Chapai Nawabganj-1, (Constituency 43); Md. Ziaur Rahman, Honorable Member of Parliament(MP), Chapai Nawabganj-2, (Constituency 44); Md. Abdul Wadud, Honorable Member of Parliament(MP), Chapai Nawabganj-3, (Constituency 45).
Number of Upazila : 5 (Chapainawabganj Sadar Upazila, Nachole Upazila, Shibganj Upazila, Gomastapur Upazila, Bholahat Upazila)
Telephone Exchange:
No. of Post office:
Postal code : Chapainawabganj Sadar post code: 6300, Rajarampur post code: 6301, Ramchandrapur post code: 6302, Amnura post code: 6303, Nachol post code: 6310, Mandumala post code: 6311, Rohanpur post code: 6320, Gomashtapur post code: 6321, Shibganj U.P.O post code: 6340, Kansart post code: 6341, Manaksha post code: 6342.